Steve from Minecraft discovers Quality Improvement

Hi Everyone, this week we will try something different!

Quality Improvement in healthcare can sometimes feel a bit disconnected to our daily working lives. It can be described in a bland unengaging way, with little opportunity to immerse yourself. Computer games have been with us for years. So why don’t we give Steve from Minecraft a go at improvement. Perhaps we can reach a wider and perhaps younger audience and make everyone curious to find out more? 

In the subsequent videos you will see Steve have a go at Model for Improvement and PDSA. 

Today is all about discovery…

Steve has a busy night in the Minecraft Emergency Department. On his way home he wonders if there is a better way of doing thing…

He stumbles upon this big sign saying QI. What appears beyond it looks like a big castle with a tall tower. His natural curiosity takes him to castle entrance.

He sees signs for Model for Improvement. The tower looks like it has 3 floors, each asking a question and some large letters made of Minecraft blocks on the roof. Of course, he is off to climb the stairs.

The roof has the letters P D S A . One letter for each quadrant. In each bay there are smaller signs that explain the important things to remember for Plan, Do, Study and Act

Steve also finds out that simply knowing about Model for Improvement and PDSA will not be enough, there are other things he will need to understand to strengthen his armour and do improvement well.

Steve feels ready to have a go. He knows that he can only get better with practice. In the next video he will try to use the 3 questions and cycles of PDSA for his first improvement mission. Make sure you tune in!


Hope you enjoy the video podcast!

Aklak Choudhury

Quality Improvement Partners


Join us for our next blog in a weeks time with Tom Rollinson


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