QI Alphabet

A to C

A = A3 tool

B= Balancing measure

C= Control chart


D to F

D = Driver diagram

E= Elevator pitch 

F= Fishbone diagram


G to I

G = Goal (Smart)

H = Habits of an improver

I= I.U.D.D.S.


J to L

J = Just Do It

K= Kata coaching

L= Lean


M to O

M = Model for improvement

N = No, maybe, yes

O = Outcome measure


P to R

P = Process measure

Q = Quality (STEEEP)

R = Relationship building


S to U

S = Stakeholders

T = Teamwork

U = Understanding variation


V to X

V = Value

W = 5 Whys

X= eXperiment with PDSA


Y to Z

Y = Your responsibility

Z = Zealous